I am Adam Dunn.
I've bee infatuated with animation since I was a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons (for those who remember those) and animation centered channels like Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.
I'm overall a very friendly person. I haven't met too many people that haven't grown to like me.
I have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout when I was a scout.
I majored in illustration and design.
The most important thing to anything artistic for me is the story. Most fine art pieces I've seen hold little interest to me, but when I start to hear about who was the person that made it I start to try to see the world through their eyes.
I believe perspective is an important aspect in life and art in my opinion. Art with storytelling like animation and comics I believe are fine examples of that. The focus of my personal art is the characters and the world they live in.
I intend to create great stories and I hope that you will enjoy them.